

I’ve always loved books. As a child, the highlight of my week was grocery shopping with my mom. I would head over to the cereal aisle. There was a basket of books hanging off the shelf. I would sit and read as many books as I could while my mother shopped.
Every book I write stems from my own personal experience. It is my way of sharing what I have learned through challenging situations.

Out of the Mouths of Moms

Out of the Mouths of Moms

We moved out to the country four months prior to the birth of our youngest daughter. I felt isolated and overwhelmed. As I met other moms, I realized I wasn’t alone. We were all struggling in different ways.

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Un Câlin pour Mon Martien

Un Câlin pour Mon Martien

After several years of offering my Have You Hugged Your Alien? workshop in elementary schools, I was approached by teachers and principals of French schools, requesting that I translate the book.

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The Story of Poobum and Pompom

The Story of Poobum and Pompom

When my youngest daughter was born, my eldest was very upset with me for having her sister and, with her sister for taking some of my attention away from her. I wrote this book to help my daughter make sense of her feelings and express them to me so we could start to heal her wounded heart.

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Have You Hugged Your Alien?

Have You Hugged Your Alien?

When I saw the impact of bullying on my daughter, it broke my heart. I encouraged her to speak to her teachers then I wrote notes in her agenda and, finally, I met with the teachers myself. The bullying was taking its toll on my daughter. I moved her to another school and started fresh in a new environment.

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